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Removing Graffiti Easily - Graffiti Removal Tips

Graffiti removal tips

Finding a part of your building, home, or property defaced can feel debilitating. Was this act of vandalism random or was it targeted? More importantly, how can you make it go away quickly?

Shaking your fist in frustration while staring at the latest "artwork" you didn't ask for feels like the natural first step. We offer a more productive approach. Instead of spending time getting angry, there are some steps that will help with graffiti removal.

Assessing The Situation

Before you begin frantically scrubbing the surface of the vandalized area, you need to take a moment to determine what the best tools will be for the job. To know that, it is important to know what type of surface you're working on. You'll want to be sure to only use cleaning agents that will clean and not damage it.

Knowing the durability of the surface is also essential to determine how to properly use pressure washing. In most cases, a pressure washer is the best way to attempt graffiti removal. However, using improper nozzle tips or too much pressure will not only remove the graffiti, but it will also remove parts of the surface you're trying to uncover.

Time Is Of The Essence

As soon as you've gathered the information you need, it's crucial to get moving quickly. The less time the paint has to bond with the surface, the easier it will be to remove. If you don't have the proper supplies, you'll need to get them as soon as you can and get to work.

Once you have your materials, it is common practice to apply the cleaning agent first and let it sit for the recommended time from the directions. Graffiti cleaning may require scrubbing before firing up the pressure washer. Double-check that you know how to change the PSI for your pressure washer and an appropriate tip and stand about two feet away from the surface.

Before attacking the graffiti cleaning entirely, test a small section with your pressure washer. You want to be sure that your actions are helping and not hurting. Once you're sure you have the right pressure, move around the painted area, not staying too long in one place.

If graffiti removal sounds like more of a pain than looking at it, you can also get help from pressure washing professionals. Call Wiser Pro Wash LLC at 346-527-1402 for professional graffiti removal in Katy.

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